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Image for National Strawberry Shortcake Day

National Strawberry Shortcake Day

Strawberry shortcake is enjoyed today on National Strawberry Shortcake Day! The dessert is prepared with fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and shortcake—a soft, sweet biscuit. Sliced strawberries are mixed with sugar and set over the bottom half of a split shortcake. Whipped cream is added and the top of the shortcake is replaced, then more strawberries and whipped cream are added.

Strawberry shortcake is popular during the summer, a time when much fruit is harvested. It is particularly popular on the Fourth of July, when blueberries are sometimes added to the dish to make it red, white, and blue. Shortcake was first referenced in a British cookbook in 1588. Strawberry shortcake began appearing and became popular in the mid-nineteenth century. At the time it was made with butter and sweetened cream. French pastry chefs introduced heavy whipped cream in the early twentieth century, creating the strawberry shortcake that is loved today.

How to Observe National Strawberry Shortcake Day

Celebrate by enjoying some strawberry shortcake! Make your own with fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and shortbread, or have some at a restaurant or bakery. Today also is a great day to make plans to attend a strawberry festival.

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