National Commute With Your Baby Day
National Commute With Your Baby Day is a day for people to travel places with their babies. Some take their babies to a destination while aboard a boat, train, or airplane; some commute with their babies while driving a car or riding on a city bus; while still others commute somewhere with their babies by walking and pushing them in a stroller. No matter how people commute with their babies, today is dedicated to them doing so.
How to Observe National Commute With Your Baby Day
If you have a baby, celebrate the day by commuting somewhere with them. First pick a place to commute to, and that will help determine how you will get there. There are many places you could go and many ways you could travel. Maybe you could push your baby in a stroller to a park, commute with them to the grocery store in your car, or take an airplane trip with them to visit family.