Hug a Shed and Take a Selfie Day
No matter if it's large or small, or new or old, a shed can provide much convenience, by keeping clutter at bay and supplying a space to work. It can house tools and devices used for lawn care, gardening, and recreation, and it can be used as a woodworking shop or a space to labor on other projects. How or when Hug a Shed and Take a Selfie Day was started is unknown, but the day certainly is for showing appreciation to sheds for all they provide for us. Don't you think your shed would enjoy some recognition by receiving a hug and having its picture taken with you?
How to Observe Hug a Shed and Take a Selfie Day
Celebrate the day by posting a selfie of yourself hugging your shed with the hashtag #HugAShedAndTakeASelfieDay. If you don't have a shed, build or buy one, and then hug it and take a selfie with it. After the hugs and pictures, you could spend some time in your shed and use items that you keep in it.