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National Quacker Day

National Quacker Day celebrates "Quackers," those who are enthusiasts of Quacker Factory, a women's clothing company founded by Jeanne Bice. Her goal was to make clothes that stood out, had "sparkle and shine," and made people smile. She opened her first store, The Silent Woman, in Ripon, Wisconsin. She was widowed in 1981 and started the clothing line that would turn into Quacker Factory with her business partner, Maryanne Diedrich. In 1981, Bice moved to Florida.

On February 4, 1995, Bice and her clothing line made their debut on the cable shopping channel QVC. Bice was an instant hit and her whole clothing line sold out while she was still on the air. Quacker Factory soon went from a small business to a multi-million dollar business, and Bice appeared many times on QVC before her death in 2011. She was known for her stories, for wearing headbands, and for wearing clothing decorated with sequins. Bice had a strong connection with her customers, and said of them, "My Quackers may come as customers, but they stay as friends."

Customers started to feel like they were part of a community and began planning get-togethers. They started calling themselves Quackers and would even quack at each other when they saw each other. Bice officially created National Quacker Day in 2010 and had it take place on February 4, on the anniversary of the date she first appeared on QVC. She created it "to honor ALL 'Quacker' Women...and their GREAT spirit."

How to Observe National Quacker Day

Celebrate National Quacker Day by wearing some Quacker Factory clothes. Pick some up for yourself or for a woman in your life. Quackers like to connect with other Quackers, and this is the perfect day to do so at Quacker Social. You could also watch QVC, where there is bound to be something about Quacker Factory being broadcasted.

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