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National Chicken Lady Day

National Chicken Lady Day celebrates Dr. Marthenia "Tina" Dupree, who is known as "The Chicken Lady". For twelve years she worked at one of the largest chicken restaurants in the world as their Director of Community Relations and Training. Because of her community involvement and dedication to raising educational standards, she was invited to meet with President Bush in 2001, in the Oval Office. Although President Bush did not declare it "National Chicken Lady Day", Dupree's efforts to advocate for education helped to bring about the day.

How to Observe National Chicken Lady Day

Celebrate the day by finding ways to get involved in your community, especially by finding ways to support education. It may also be fitting to eat chicken, as it is National Chicken Lady Day. You could also learn more about the Chicken Lady, and even book her as a speaker. If you can't get her to come to your event, you can watch her online.

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