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Lima Bean Respect Day

What is your favorite vegetable? Is it the lima bean? Chances are it's not. Lima beans always seem to be one of the least eaten and respected vegetables, and today exists to give them the respect they deserve.

Lima beans, which are named after Lima, Peru, are green and flat with a kidney-shaped curve. They have been cultivated since about 6000 BCE and were being grown in North America long before Europeans arrived. There are two types: baby lima and Fordhook. As the name suggests, baby limas are smaller than the Fordhook variety.

Bought fresh, often in pods, or canned or dried, lima beans offer a good supply of protein, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. They are usually cooked and are often served boiled and buttered as a side dish. They may also be used to make soups and salads. Lima beans are the main ingredient in succotash, which also includes corn, and often peppers. This dish is popular in the American South, where lima beans are also known as butter beans.

How to Observe Lima Bean Respect Day

Give lima beans some respect by making a recipe that uses them. Perhaps you could make succotash. If you have children, you could celebrate the day by encouraging them to do some crafts with lima beans.

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