Pet Owners Independence Day
Also known as
Pet Owner's Independence Day
annually on April 18th
Founded by
Pets & Animals
Weird & Obscure
What does your dog or cat do all day? Does it clean the house, pay the bills, and open the door for you when you arrive back at the end of the day? Or, does it drive to the office each morning and pick up a pizza for you on its way home at night? On Pet Owners Independence Day, these are the things that cats and dogs—and other pets—should be doing, because pets and owners are to switch roles for the day. And what do pet owners do on the day? They sit at home, lounge on the couch, lay in the sun, and eat. They play fetch and chase other animals. They chew on things, take naps, and cuddle. It's a swell life being a pet!
How to Observe Pet Owners Independence Day
Your pet should be going to your job for you today, taking out the garbage, cooking the meals, and turning off the lights when you leave rooms. If you can get your pet to do all these things, you will be having unparalleled success in celebrating the holiday. More likely, you will have to celebrate the holiday by doing things with your pet. Do the things they commonly do. Lay in the sun, take lots of naps, cuddle, chew on things, play fetch, and run around the house for no reason at all. If you are switching roles with your dog, you could chase some cats, and if you are switching roles with your cat, you could get a workout by chasing birds. If you don't have a pet, you could still act like an animal anyway!