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Sidewalk Egg Frying Day

For the purposes of celebrating Sidewalk Egg Frying Day today, it's hopefully sunny and about 100 °F outside! For an egg to fry, the surface it's cooked on needs to be heated to 158 °F. A sidewalk doesn't quite get to that temperature, even on the hottest of days, so for Sidewalk Egg Frying Day to be celebrated to the fullest, a metal pan or a piece of tin foil needs to be placed on the sidewalk. Magnifying glasses and mirrors can help too!

The national celebration of Sidewalk Egg Frying Day is rooted in a sidewalk egg frying contest that has been held in Oatman, Arizona, on July 4 since 1991. It's regularly over 100 °F in July in Oatman, making it an ideal town to host an egg frying contest on the sidewalk. Contestants are given 15 minutes to cook an egg using only the Sun as well as implements like aluminum foil, magnifying glasses, and mirrors. The contestant with the best-looking fried egg is declared the winner. The Oatman event was started and organized by Fred Eck and was based on a competition held between the nearby communities of Laughlin, Nevada, and Bullhead City, Arizona, in 1983, during a heatwave that made national headlines.

How to Observe Sidewalk Egg Frying Day

Celebrate by frying an egg on the sidewalk! The best way to do so is to put tin foil or a metal pan directly on the sidewalk and to let the Sun heat it up for about 20 minutes. Then crack an egg (or multiple eggs) and fry away! Room-temperature eggs will fry quicker than refrigerated eggs, and magnifying glasses and mirrors are known to speed up the process, too. Add some salt and pepper and enjoy your eggs! (Make sure they are fully cooked, otherwise throw them out.) At the very least, attempt to fry eggs on the sidewalk today. But, if it's raining, fry some eggs on the stove and make plans to fry on the sidewalk on the next hot and sunny day. If you are up for traveling, you could also make your way to Oatman, Arizona, and take part in their sidewalk egg fry today!

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