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Husband Appreciation Day

A husband is the confidant, best friend, fellow world-traveler, and partner in crime of their spouse. On Husband Appreciation Day, husbands are shown how much they mean to those who are married to them. What are the qualities that a spouse most appreciates in their husband? In one study, wives said they most appreciated the hard work their husband does, that they can be themselves around him, that he makes them laugh, that he is smart, and that he is supportive of their goals and desires. Although husbands can be appreciated on any day of the year, today is meant for some extra appreciation.

How to Observe Husband Appreciation Day

If you have a husband, you should clear your calendar for the day. Plan something special for them or let them pick out their favorite things to do and join them. There are many other ways you could show them your appreciation. You could cook them their favorite meal, or buy them a new grill or some grill accessories. You could get them a hammock or something to go in their "man cave" or den. You could give them a gift related to their favorite sport, whether it be a ticket to a game, a jersey of a favorite player, or a new golf club or fishing pole. Not all husbands are into sports, of course, and if your husband isn't, you could get them something else that is related to whatever their passion is.

If you are a husband, you could remind your wife that today is Husband Appreciation Day. If you don't have a husband, but want one, today may be a good day to put in some extra effort to try to find one. Or, you could wish a happy Husband Appreciation Day to any husbands you know!

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