Pay-a-Compliment Day
annually on February 6th (since 1995)
Founded by
Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith on February 6th, 1995
Love & Affection
Pay-a-Compliment Day is for giving "genuine and soulful compliments" to others. It was created by Adrienne Koopersmith, on February 6, 1995. On that cold February day, Koopersmith was riding the bus in Chicago, when she noticed someone who wasn't at a bus stop was frantically waving at the bus she was on, hoping that it would stop; the bus driver stopped and let the person on. When Koopersmith exited the bus, she complimented the driver on how nice it was that he had stopped. Koopersmith then went home and decided to make the holiday. Since she was warmed by the bus driver's actions, she wanted that warmth to be part of each February 6 for years to come.
How to Observe Pay-a-Compliment Day
The day should be celebrated by giving genuine compliments to others, whether they be given to friends, family members, a lover, neighbors, or a stranger. Perhaps the best compliments to give are those that acknowledge someone who did something nice for others, similar to how Adrienne complimented the bus driver. It is important to use care when complimenting others, by being respectful, timing your compliments properly, and by not making yourself the center of attention. A small compliment can go a long way to brighten someone's day, so spend the day paying everyone you meet a compliment!