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Annual Medical Checkup Day

Annual medical checkups detect health problems before they start or before they are too far along, so they can more easily be treated. Checkups prevent disease, help patients maintain good health throughout their lives, and extend the length of their lives. Today is Annual Medical Checkup Day, a day to get or schedule a medical checkup. A patient's age, family health history, and lifestyle choices factor in as to what type of checkups they should get and how often they should have them. An annual medical checkup will include a physical exam, but may also include blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening, diabetes screening, vaccinations, and disease screening such as a breast exam, testicular exam, pap test, prostate cancer screening, and colorectal cancer screening.

How to Observe Annual Medical Checkup Day

Get or schedule an annual medical checkup for you and your family! Get a physical exam, and take into account your age, family health history, and lifestyle choices to determine what other screenings and tests are needed. If you don't have a primary care doctor, make sure to get one today!

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