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National Rum Day

Distilled from sugarcane juice or molasses, and aged in oak barrels during the process, rum, one of the most widely drank spirits in the world, is celebrated today with National Rum Day. Sugarcane was imported to the Caribbean in the mid-sixteenth century, and rum was likely first distilled there, on the island of Barbados around 1650. It was the first distilled spirit marketed in the New England Colonies and became popular there and in Europe, and with sailors and pirates. Today rum is popular all over the world, although 80% of it is produced in the Caribbean.

There are different types of rum, including dark rum, light rum, golden rum, overproof rum, and spiced or flavored rum. Light rum is more often used for cocktails, while dark and golden rum is often drank straight or on ice. Some of the most common rum cocktails are the piña colada, daiquiri, Dark 'n' Stormy, Mai Tai, Planter's punch, rum punch, rum old fashioned, Hurricane, Long Island iced tea, mojito, hot buttered rum, and of course, rum and Coke, also known as Cuba libre. Rum and these rum drinks are imbibed and enjoyed on National Rum Day!

How to Observe National Rum Day

Mix yourself a rum drink or two, have one at a cocktail or rum bar—where there are sometimes drink specials today—or have some rum neat or on ice. Some rum favorites to try include:

You could also make rum cake, look for unofficial and official events to attend, such as National Rum Day Fest, and read a book about rum.

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