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National Patient Recognition Day

National Patient Recognition Day, celebrated by the medical community and healthcare providers, is a day when they reflect on patient satisfaction. On this day, healthcare providers and those who provide service to patients "seriously reflect on their stewardship of patient care and their dedication to patient satisfaction," and "demonstrate that patients' needs go beyond the technical aspects of care to include compassion, empathy, and connection." Patient satisfaction is an everyday focus of those working in healthcare, but there is a special focus on it today. The day is part of National Patient Recognition Week and was founded by John O'Malley in 1995.

How to Observe National Patient Recognition Day

The holiday is for those working in healthcare who interact with patients. If you are a healthcare worker, the day should be used to reflect on how you can improve patient care and satisfaction, and then take action, being guided by compassion and empathy. Volunteering extra time to help a patient is one of the best ways to spend the day. Healthcare organizations and providers can also participate on a larger scale. They can host recognition parties, give free parking, and provide free meals; they can offer discounts at their pharmacies or gift shops, and they can give out promotional items such as gifts and flowers. If you don't work in healthcare, you could reflect on a time you were treated particularly well by a healthcare worker, or you could tell a healthcare worker you know about the day.

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