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Accounting Day

Also known as

  • Accounting Career Day

  • National Accounting Day


  • on an unknown date (1972)

  • on May 18th (1973)

  • on an unknown date (1974 to 2012)

  • Monday of the third full week in May (2013 to 2017)

  • on May 14th (2018)

  • on May 13th (2019)

  • canceled (2020)

  • on October 25th (2021)

  • annually on May 19th (since 2022)



  • Business & Entrepreneurship

  • Money & Finance

  • Work & Career



The first Accounting Day was held in San Diego in 1972 with the intent of interesting young people to pursue accounting careers. Contemporary organizers believe the day was created by either the San Diego Chapter of the California Society of CPAs or the Institute of Management Accountants. The yearly events were known as Accounting Career Days until 1976, when additional professional accounting and finance organizations were invited to participate and the event became known as Accounting Day. The Accounting Education Institute manages Accounting Day today, and other nonprofit professional organizations collaborate with them for it.

Accounting Day promotes the accounting profession, provides continuing education and networking opportunities, and supports educational opportunities in accounting and finance by contributing to scholarship funds at universities and working with universities and organizations to enhance accounting education. Although Accounting Day started as a local event in San Diego, it began being observed elsewhere after it spread on the internet. The in-person event in San Diego then began being referred to as Accounting Day Live. Accounting Day officially takes place on May 19, but Accounting Day Live events have been held in May on a date near it, as well as in October. Accounting Day Live continued to be held in the early 2020s, with local and national speakers presenting seminars during it.

How to Observe Accounting Day

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