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National Call in Single Day

In 2005, Yahoo! Personals, the now-defunct online dating service, created National Call in Single Day. In doing so, they encouraged singles to set aside time for themselves and their love lives. They encouraged them to make the most of the time that they spend looking for love, encouraging them to do things like making better dating decisions and "extending their lunch hour or taking a personal day to gain some self-insight."

Over the years, National Call in Single Day became a day for those who don't want to be at the office or their place of employment on Valentine's Day, where everyone seems to be receiving flowers, candy, and gifts—and getting complimented for them. Being single became reason enough for them not to come in, and it grew into a day for single people to spend time with themselves, something that is hard for those who are in relationships to do on the day.

During the first year's celebration, Yahoo! Personals hosted events across the United States "to help singles find love by searching in giant eight-foot-tall haystacks filled with attractive single men and women and fun prizes." The prizes included diamond earrings and digital cameras, and the flagship event was held in Los Angeles and hosted by Paula Abdul. Singles around the country were also invited to log into Yahoo! Personals and take a free Personality & Love Style Test and Relationship Test, to help them better understand their personality and love style and how it plays a role in finding a compatible match.

How to Observe National Call in Single Day

For those who are single, set some time aside for yourself and your love life today. Stay home from work or at least extend your lunch hour, using the time to reflect on your love life and gaining some insight about yourself. Perhaps you could also set up an online dating profile or look for singles events happening in your city. If you aren't single, you probably won't have time to celebrate, as you'll be too busy celebrating Valentine's Day.

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