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National Chicken Finger Day

Created by Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers, also known simply as Raising Cane's, a fast-food restaurant known for their chicken finger meals, National Chicken Finger Day celebrates the popular finger food. As part of the observance, Raising Cane's has given away free chicken fingers to those who have presented their Caniac Club card and has given out trips to the National Fried Chicken Festival, which they sponsor.

Chicken fingers go by other names, like chicken tenders, strips, and goujons. They are usually made with white meat from the pectoralis minor muscles, which are on the breastbone under the breast meat—but other meat can be used. The meat is coated in a breading and deep-fried. Chicken fingers are commonly available at fast-food restaurants, but can also be purchased frozen at grocery stores.

How to Observe National Chicken Finger Day

Celebrate by eating some chicken fingers. The best place to do so is at Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers. Check to see if they are giving out free chicken fingers, if they have other special offers, or if they have contests you can enter. If you can't get to a Raising Cane's, have chicken fingers at another restaurant or eat them at home. You could also use the day to plan a trip to the next National Fried Chicken Festival.

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