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Tie One On Day



Founded by


  • Awareness & Advocacy

  • Food & Drink

  • Thanks & Appreciation



Not to be confused with Blackout Wednesday, Tie One On Day refers not to overindulging in drink, but to tying on an apron. A baked good is to be prepared or bought, and then wrapped in the apron being worn—or in another apron, and then given to someone in need, along with an encouraging note. Author EllynAnne Geisel created the day, after she wrapped a baked good in an apron and delivered it to a hurting neighbor along with a sympathy note, on Thanksgiving Eve, in 2006. She was so moved by the feeling she experienced after giving, that she decided to create the day.

How to Observe Tie One On Day

Celebrate the day by tying on an apron and making a loaf of bread or another baked good to give to someone. If you can't bake your own, you may buy one at a store. Wrap the baked good in your apron, or in another apron, and include an encouraging note with it. Give the wrapped good to a friend, neighbor, or person in need. By putting the word "give" back in Thanksgiving, you are brightening someone else's day, but also getting a sense of satisfaction as well.

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