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Museum Comes To Life Day

Towering T-Rexes and frozen-in-time mummies are intimidating enough when on display at museums, but just think what it would be like if they left their perches today and roamed free. It is Museum Comes To Life Day, after all. It could happen. A less terrifying and (possibly) more educational interpretation of the day assumes that it is dedicated to bringing the past alive figuratively, with reenactors in period dress and the demonstration of trades and crafts from yesteryear. It is unknown how the holiday came to be, but there is a Museum Comes to Life event held at the Idaho State Historical Museum each September, which some sources point to as an inspiration for Museum Comes To Life Day. Whether taken literally or figuratively, Museum Comes To Life Day is sure to produce plenty of excitement and learning!

How to Observe Museum Comes To Life Day

If you work at or manage a museum or historical society, help to organize a Museum Comes To Life Day event. Tour guides, volunteers, and reenactors could wear period dress, and there could be talks about the museum or demonstrations of trades and crafts from the past. If your museum does these types of things on a daily basis anyway, expand on them with a special event. If your museum is less suited for these types of goings-on, if it is filled with items such as prehistoric skeletons or rare paintings, you'll have to get creative. Project dinosaurs on the walls and have a dinosaur puppet show for children; have employees tell the story of the paintings while dressed up as the characters in them.

If you don't work at a museum, which more likely is the case, today is about exploring and enjoying them. See if any near you are holding Museum Comes To Life Day events, or visit one that is known for bringing its exhibits to life. If exhibits literally coming to life are more your style, and none of them at the museum you visit are doing so, you could always watch one or more of the Night at the Museum films.

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