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Drawing Day

Also known as

  • Pencil Day


  • the first Saturday in June (since 2008)


Founded by


  • Arts & Crafts

  • Awareness & Advocacy

  • Hobbies & Activities



Drawing Day was started in 2008 with the purpose of "making some noise worldwide for the sake of art." This day is about remembering the love we have for making and viewing all kinds of drawings. The goal of Drawing Day is to get a million drawings made all around the world on this day.

How to Observe Drawing Day

All that is needed to be done to celebrate Drawing Day is to pick up a pencil, a crayon, a piece of charcoal, or any other drawing utensil and draw! Drawing can also be done by using your computer. It doesn't matter if you are a bad drawer or not, what matters is that you try. There is information on the Drawing Day website about how to scan and upload your drawing for the world to see. There may be Drawing Day events in your community as well. You could get together with friends to draw, or organize a Drawing Day event yourself.

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