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Annoy Squidward Day

Annoy Squidward Day was first mentioned in the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Employee of the Month," which appears to have aired on March 8, 2000. In the episode, SpongeBob asks Squidward if he knows what day it is, and Squidward sarcastically retorts, "Annoy Squidward Day?" SpongeBob laughs and says, "No, silly, that's on the 15th," as he points to a calendar he's holding, where Squidward's face is shown on the 15th. He then says, "Today's the beginning of the judging for Employee of the Month." The humor in having an "Annoy Squidward Day" is that Squidward is always being annoyed by SpongeBob and Patrick Star anyway. This is just a day where they try extra hard to annoy him.

How to Observe Annoy Squidward Day

The day is celebrated by watching "Employee of the Month" and other episodes of SpongeBob Squarepants. A SpongeBob film could also be viewed. In addition, memes about the day could be shared on social media, SpongeBob jokes could be read, and—most appropriate for young observers—SpongeBob coloring books could be colored in.

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