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Image for National Chocolate Wafer Day

National Chocolate Wafer Day

National Chocolate Wafer Day celebrates the chocolate version of rectangular, waffle-patterned sugar wafer cookies, also known simply as sugar wafers or wafer cookies. They may be layered with chocolate filling or the wafer itself may be chocolate. There are a number of companies that make chocolate wafers, such as Keebler and Bauducco, and there are a number of candy bars that use chocolate wafers or are variations of chocolate wafers. Neapolitan wafers, Kit Kat, Coffee Crisp, and Nutty Buddy can all be considered variations of chocolate wafers. Chocolate waffle cones can even be considered to be chocolate wafers. Chocolate wafers can be eaten plain, can be put on ice cream, or can be used in recipes to make cakes, pies, and other desserts.

How to Observe National Chocolate Wafer Day

  • Eat some chocolate wafers.
  • Make your own chocolate wafers.
  • Try some Neapolitan wafers, Kit Kat bars, Coffee Crisp bars, or Nutty Buddy bars.
  • Use chocolate wafers in a cake, pie, or other dessert recipe.
  • Have chocolate wafers on ice cream.
  • Enjoy a chocolate waffle cone.

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