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Image for National Wear Purple for Peace Day

National Wear Purple for Peace Day

On National Wear Purple for Peace Day, people don't wear purple to stop nuclear war or a particular conflict, and they don't aim for world peace just for the sake of it—they have a reason behind it. The day was made to get aliens to visit earth! Whoever thought it up believed that humans are too violent towards each other and that if we ever are going to get aliens to visit us, we better clean up our act. They also believed that wearing the color purple would help us achieve world peace, and would signal to aliens that we are on our way to reaching our goal.

How to Observe National Wear Purple for Peace Day

Come on folks, we need to meet some aliens! Celebrate the day by wearing purple and working towards world peace. Maybe if aliens see enough of us are wearing purple they will think it is safe for them to visit us. Get ready!

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