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National Great American Pot Pie Day

National Great American Pot Pie Day celebrates a distinctly American pie, the pot pie. The day was created in 2002 by Marie Callender's, a company that makes frozen pot pies, among other things. The original intention was for the day to be celebrated on the first day of fall, but September 23 continued to be the day of its celebration after it was first celebrated on that day. Although pot pies are similar to meat pies, they are an American creation, and were first referred to in print in the United States in 1785. They usually consist of a meat such as chicken, pork, or beef, and most times include vegetables such as carrots, peas, green beans, and potatoes. Another common ingredient is gravy. A top flaky crust is the norm, and there is usually a bottom crust as well, but not always. Besides being either made at home or bought at a restaurant, they can be bought frozen at a store. The first frozen pot pies were chicken, and were introduced by Swanson foods in the early 1950's.

How to Observe National Great American Pot Pie Day

Celebrate the day by having a frozen pot pie, eating a pot pie at a restaurant, or by making your own pot pie!

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