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Fresh Veggies Day

Arriving on the cusp of summer, when fresh vegetables will be more accessible for many, Fresh Veggies Day is about just what it sounds like. It is a day to eat fresh veggies! One of its goals is for fresh veggies to not only be eaten today but to be a part of everyday diets going forward. Beyond that, not much is known about Fresh Veggies Day. But with so many health benefits coming from vegetables, does anything else even need to be known? The important thing is that fresh veggies are being eaten!

How to Observe Fresh Veggies Day

Eat fresh veggies today, and make a plan to add more of them into your diet going forward. While you could purchase veggies at a store, procuring them from a farmers market, getting them delivered in a produce box, or growing them can help ensure they will be extra fresh. The freshest way to eat them is to eat them raw, but as long as you aren't eating canned or frozen veggies, it should be okay to cook your fresh veggies as well!

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