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National Get Gnarly Day

National Get Gnarly Day "provides an opportunity to embrace new ideas and toss out old ways." According to Whirlpool, the founders of the day, the word "gnarly" is sometimes ascribed with an unwarranted negative connotation. Yet, it also can mean that something is exciting and cool. For instance, surfers are known to say that the waves they catch are gnarly. Whirlpool created National Get Gnarly Day so that a bit of that gnarly surfing spirit could be put in everything that is done.

The day came about after Whirlpool started a campaign to put "gNARliness" in everything they did, as a way to get their employees excited about reaching goals and satisfying customers. (The NAR in "gNARliness" stands for their "North American Region.") After there was a large, positive employee response, Whirlpool decided to create National Get Gnarly Day so that everyone could participate.

How to Observe National Get Gnarly Day

Add some gnarliness to your life! Whirlpool has suggested the following ideas to get you started:

  • Find a gnarly hobby. Hulda Crooks, born in 1896, didn't start hiking and climbing until she was 54 years old after her husband's death. While she was an active jogger and walker prior to his death, she was by no means a qualified mountain climber. Crooks first scaled Mount Whitney in California, the highest summit in the contiguous United States, at the age of 66. She completed a total of 23 ascents of Mount Whitney and at the age of 91 climbed Mount Fuji in Japan. Mountain climbing added gnarliness to her life.
  • Meet gnarly people. Take a cooking class, volunteer for a local charity, accept those invites you've previously declined. Stepping out of your comfort zone from time to time will introduce you to different experiences and as a result new people. It will make for a gnarly social circle.
  • Get a gnarly passport. A first-time passport costs $135 including fees and can take up to 6 weeks to process. If gnarliness is truly your new way of life, you'll want to have a passport. Gnarly people are world travelers. Even if travel plans are not immediate, having a passport places the potential of global travel within reach and potential is pretty gnarly.
  • Find a gnarly new style. Redecorate a room in the house or find a fresh new hairstyle. Both can revitalize an attitude and an outlook on life. Gather a group of friends and take turns helping paint a room in each other's home a gnarly color. The gnarly part? The homeowner doesn't get to pick the color. Be kind, though. Turn around is fair play. Apply the same idea to hairstyles or makeovers.
  • Throw a gnarly party. Celebrate all this gnarliness! It's something to share, so be to let the enthusiasm show. Invite those new friends to fully incorporate them into your gnarly social circle. Show off the stamps in your gnarly passport and take lots of pictures to document for National Get Gnarly Day! Use #NationalGetGnarlyDay to share on social media.

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