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Image for National All Or Nothing Day

National All Or Nothing Day

Today is a day to stop thinking about something you've been deliberating doing and to finally decide if you are going to do it or not. If you decide to do it, don't go at it delicately, but put your whole being into it. If you decide not to do it, then don't think about it again; you've made your decision to do "nothing" and you need to stick with it. Make your decision now and move forward with whatever you decide. Today is for overcoming fears, taking on new challenges, and being confident in the decisions that you make. Most people say the day is for going for something, not for deciding not to do it, but only you know if you have what it takes. Now get moving, it's all or nothing.

How to Observe National All Or Nothing Day

Celebrate the day by finally making decisions on the big life goals and questions that have been beleaguering your mind. Decide if you are going to give it your all or give it nothing, and don't look back. Although you could go either way, the holiday is probably best celebrated by grabbing life by the horns. Start that business, sign up for the marathon, reconnect with the family member you said you'd never talk to again, take the trip, write that book, climb that mountain, or buy that house. No longer think about it, and give it your all instead.

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