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Get Organized Day

Being organized increases productivity and reduces stress. On Get Organized Day, homes and workspaces are put into order. Desks, filing cabinets, closets, and drawers are gone through. Yards and garages are tidied up. Email inboxes are cleaned out. Schedules and agendas are put together. Get Organized Day may be a once-a-year event, but it is meant to have an impact all year long.

How to Observe Get Organized Day

Spend the day getting organized to get yourself on a path to year-round organization! Some ideas to start with include:

  • Organize and go through your desks, filing cabinets, closets, and drawers.
  • Do some yard work.
  • Clean out your garage.
  • Read over emails, delete ones no longer needed, and put the saved ones in labeled folders.
  • Organize your schedules and agendas. Set up or update a calendar for long-term plans, keep a to-do list for daily tasks, and create a weekly meal plan.

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