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Friendship Day

Friendship Day is for spending time with friends and letting them know you love them. Many sources claim that the United States Congress officially proclaimed the day in 1935. It is believed that Joyce Hall of Hallmark Cards originally came up with the idea for the day and that the Greeting Card Association promoted it. Another thing that may have contributed to the emergence of the day was the belief in the need to rebuild relationships around the world following World War I. After gaining popularity in the United States, the day began being celebrated around the world; it particularly has been popular in India. Besides spending time with friends, the day is spent pausing and reflecting on what friends mean to you, building up friendships, and giving gifts to friends. It should not be confused with International Day of Friendship of just a few days prior.

How to Observe Friendship Day

Celebrate the day by expressing your love for your friends as you spend your day with them. You could spend the day with one friend, or get many friends together and have a friendship party. Share memories with your friends and exchange gifts with them. Build on your existing friendships and start new ones. If you can't be with some of your friends today, write them a letter or call them on the phone.

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