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National Dessert Day

There is no shame in having a sweet tooth today—it is National Dessert Day! Desserts are sweet foods that are commonly eaten at the end of a meal. There are countless types, including foods such as cakes, pastries, cookies, and pies. The word "dessert" is derived from the French word "desservir", which means "to clear the table". Fruits and honey were probably the first sweeteners used in food, and the dawn of desserts was bolstered by the expansion of the use of sugar. Sugar was in use in India before 500 BCE, and through trade, it arrived in places such as Macedonia and China over the next thousand years or so. It wasn't until at least the 12th century that it arrived in Europe. During the Industrial Revolution, desserts began being mass produced, and they were able to be processed and preserved in new ways, which increased their popularity.

How to Observe National Dessert Day

The day should be celebrated by eating dessert! You could make one at home, or have one at an ice cream shop, bakery, or at one of the most popular dessert stops in the country. There are sometimes special deals on the day, so keep an eye out for them.

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