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God's Preeminence Day

Founded in 2012 and first celebrated in 2013, God's Preeminence Day was created for people to contemplate how they communicate with God—whether that be in thought, prayer, or meditation—and to tell God that they want a relationship with him. It is also a day "designed to pay tribute to God, And Holy Spirit," and to give glory to God.

A petition was written to Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah asking him to recommend the holiday as well as sponsor a bill for it. Orrin Hatch responded by acknowledging the role that religion has played in the United States, and its importance to him personally, and said he would "keep your strong support for a 'God's Preeminence Day' to further recognize the role of religion in our nation in mind as I discuss such matters in the Senate."

How to Observe God's Preeminence Day

Celebrate the day by contemplating how you communicate with God, or how you communicate spiritually in general. Spend the day in thought, prayer, and meditation. Let God know that you wish to have a relationship with him, and spend the day paying tribute to him.

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