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National Blueberry Pie Day

Most of the world's blueberries, both highbush and lowbush, are grown in North America, where they are native. It was in colonial America that blueberry pies were first made, and just like the fruit used to make them, they traveled to other parts of the world. Nowadays, blueberry pie is still one of the most common types of pie in the United States. The pie is enjoyed and celebrated everywhere on National Blueberry Pie Day.

Blueberries grow during the warmer months, so blueberry pies are usually eaten during the summer, although today's holiday is observed at the start of the blueberry growing season. Blueberry pie is one of the easiest pies to make because blueberries don't need to be pitted or peeled. They do, however, need to be washed and stemmed. The other ingredients in blueberry pies vary by recipe, but flour, instant tapioca, sugar, vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, and butter are commonly used. Blueberry pie usually has both a bottom and top crust. The top crust may fully cover the pie or it may be a crumble crust. Sometimes the pies are made without a top crust. No matter how they are made, blueberry pies are celebrated today!

How to Observe National Blueberry Pie Day

Celebrate the day by eating some blueberry pie! Have a slice at a cafe or diner, pick up a pie at a bakery, or make your own pie. If you are feeling extra ambitious, you could grow your own blueberries to make a pie with.

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