Be a Millionaire Day
Have you ever wished you were a millionaire? Chances are you've dreamed of one day joining the club. But why wait anymore? Be a Millionaire Day is here! Today people try to become millionaires by sound practices— such as investing and saving, or by sheer luck—such as by buying lottery tickets and gambling. Does trying to become a millionaire sound like too much work? Some people may spend the day pretending they are already millionaires, by spending lavishly. And then there are those who are already millionaires, and they celebrate Be a Millionaire Day every day!
As of 2018, there are 42.2 million millionaires worldwide, with 17.3 million of them being in the United States, more than in any other country. They represent 7% of the US adult population or about 14% of US households. About 1,700 new people become millionaires in the United States every day. Following the United States, the countries with the most amount of millionaires are China, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. Altogether, these six countries make up 72% of the world's millionaires. When it comes to cities, as of 2018, the most millionaires in the world are in Tokyo. This is followed by New York City, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Beijing, Osaka, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.
There are a number of characteristics and statistics that help paint a picture of what type of people become millionaires and how they get there. About 80% of millionaires are first generation, and in a recent Fidelity's Millionaire Outlook Survey, 86% of millionaires said they made their own wealth and didn't inherit it. Similarly, a US Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth study found that only 22% of millionaires started in the upper class, while 78% began their lives either in the middle class or poor. However, well over a majority of millionaires said they grew up in households where academics and financial discipline were a focus. Becoming a millionaire doesn't happen overnight—about 80 percent of millionaires don't reach that state until they are at least 50.
Most millionaires spend less than an hour of their day watching television, and the same amount of time surfing the internet. But, almost 90% of millionaires spend at least a half an hour reading each day, and more than three out of four millionaires exercise at least four days a week. Millionaires tend to diversify their income—65% get their income from at least three sources. On average, millionaires save about 23% of their income. Over half of millionaires are business owners, and 84% have college degrees. These statistics can give some insight to those who wish to become millionaires.
How to Observe Be a Millionaire Day
There are a few different ways the day could be celebrated. One way is to work to become a millionaire. This could be done by trying to get lucky by gambling and buying lottery tickets, or by focusing on more sound practices. Some sound ways to make strides towards a big bank account include saving more, going over your investments and seeing how they can be improved, meeting with a financial planner, starting or adding to a 401k, working towards a new degree, and start your own business—especially one that is lucrative. You could also work to become a millionaire by reading a book focused on the topic, or by taking an online assessment to see how your beliefs match up with those of millionaires.
Another way to celebrate is to live like a millionaire for the day. Eat at an expensive restaurant, buy an expensive car, or book an expensive vacation. If you already are a millionaire, you just need to be yourself. Some other ideas on how to celebrate include watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire, playing the Who Wants to be a Millionaire board game, and listening to songs about money.