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National Potty Dance Day

Maybe you haven't done it for decades since you were a small child, or maybe you did it just last week, but at some point, you have definitely done the potty dance. It is a somewhat involuntary dance, where pressure seems to be taken off the need to use the bathroom, by moving around every which way. Not only does it momentarily keep people from peeing their pants, but it also alerts parents that their children need to use the bathroom so that they can help get them to a restroom in time.

On National Potty Dance Day, people do the potty dance no matter what their age. Although the moves to the potty dance are open to interpretation, Huggies Pull-Ups came up with some of their own moves and lyrics for the dance.

Part 1: Put your left hand out. Put your right on top. Let 'em drop. And do the hula hoop and do the potty dance.

Part 2: Put your knees together. Then you cross your legs. And then you shake it around. You shake it around, you shake it around, you do the potty dance.

How to Observe National Potty Dance Day

Celebrate the day by doing the potty dance each time you need to go to the bathroom. Really get into it! You can teach your children how to do the potty dance as well. Listen and dance along to the potty dance song that Huggies Pull-Ups came up with. It is such an important song that they shot multiple videos of it. You could do the dance with your coworkers and friends, and maybe even record a video of it.

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