National Pack Rat Day
A pack rat is someone who collects many items and doesn't like throwing items away. National Pack Rat Day can be viewed in one of two ways. On one hand, some view it as a day to declutter, to clean, and to learn about the dangers of hoarding. On the other hand, some view it as a day to act like a pack rat or to celebrate being one, or as a day for hoarders and to hoard things.
On a serious note, hoarding is a mental disorder. Those with hoarding disorder have a psychological need to acquire and save items, usually which serve no purpose or are items thrown away by others. The items often interfere with daily activities. For example, a fridge, stove, or bathtub may be made unusable because it is blocked by items. Hoarders often also suffer from depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Hoarding symptoms regularly progress over time. Cognitive behavior therapy treats hoarding disorder, and medication helps some people.
How to Observe National Pack Rat Day
One way to observe the day is to do away with any tendency you have to be a pack rat. Spend the day decluttering, getting rid of items you no longer need, and cleaning. To help you decide which items you should get rid of, ask yourself how often you use an item or will use it in the future. Another way to spend the day is to celebrate being a pack rat. Don't clean anything, don't throw anything out, look for items others are discarding, and look for items to buy at rummage sales. But make sure you aren't collecting so much that you are getting yourself on a trajectory to being a hoarder.