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National Grape Popsicle Day

Treats of frozen ice on a stick go by many names, like freezer pop and ice pop, but none has been more enduring than popsicle. While Popsicle is a brand name, its use is so widespread that it has become a genericized trademark, and any frozen ice on a stick may go by the name. On National Grape Popsicle Day, grape-flavored popsicles are celebrated and enjoyed!

Ultimately, we may have an eleven-year-old kid to thank for the holiday and for popsicles. His name was Frank Epperson, and on a colder-than-usual night in San Francisco in 1905, he happened to leave on his porch a container of water stirred with powdered soda mix, with a stirring stick still in it. When he found the mixture frozen to the stick the next day, he removed the frozen ice from the container and held onto it by its stick. Then he found out he could eat it.

Epperson kept making frozen ice on a stick throughout his youth, but it wasn't until he brought some to a fireman's ball in 1922 that they became a hit. Soon afterward, he began selling them in seven fruit flavors at Neptune Beach amusement park in Oakland, and in 1924 he applied for and was granted a patent. As the story goes, his treats were originally called Epsicles, but after his children started calling them "Pop's 'sicles," they became known as popsicles. Later in the decade, Epperson sold the rights to his invention, but the name stuck. Popsicles have since been made into all kinds of flavors, and today we celebrate those that are grape!

How to Observe National Grape Popsicle Day

Celebrate the day by having some grape popsicles! You could have some made by Popsicle brand or by any generic popsicle brand. You could also make your own!

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