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National Boyfriend Day

Boyfriends bring comfort and joy to many lives, and today they are celebrated and given special treatment. Whether they are a new boyfriend or a longtime boyfriend, today their significant others try to make their day memorable.

How to Observe National Boyfriend Day

If you have a boyfriend, today is for giving them extra attention and doing all the things they want to do. If you are someone's boyfriend, don't forget to remind your significant other about today's holiday. If you aren't someone's boyfriend or don't have a boyfriend, you could always watch a movie with some memorable boyfriends. For those with boyfriends, here are some ideas to make their day special:

  • Take him to his favorite restaurant or cook his favorite meal.
  • Take a spontaneous road trip to a place of his choice. You drive! Or, surprise him with the destination. Take him to an amusement park, beach, or park!
  • See if he would like to watch his favorite movie or a sporting event. Prepare a spread of food or make some popcorn.
  • Take him to the place where you had your first date.
  • Buy or make him a gift.

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