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National Pierogi Day

National Pierogi Day is dedicated to pierogies, the filled dumplings that originated in Central and Eastern Europe. They are made by wrapping a filling in dough and boiling it in water. The choices for fillings are endless, but include things such as potatoes, meat, cheese, and fruit. There is no consensus as to how they got their start, but they are popular in Slavic, Baltic, and other Eastern European countries such as Hungary and Romania. They are particularly popular in Poland and Slovakia, and are considered national dishes of those countries. They were introduced in the United States in the late 1920's, and gained in popularity in the decades following World War II. The largest producer of pierogies in the United States is Mr. T's, which started on October 8, 1952. It is on this anniversary each year that National Pierogi Day is celebrated.

How to Observe National Pierogi Day

Celebrate the day by having some pierogies. One idea is to go to an authentic restaurant that serves them, but you could also make your own at home. Once you've made some with one filling, try making another kind!

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