National "Thank God It's Monday" Day
the first Monday in January
the first Monday in June
January 2nd, 2023
June 5th, 2023
January 1st, 2024
June 3rd, 2024
January 6th, 2025
June 2nd, 2025
January 5th, 2026
June 1st, 2026
January 4th, 2027
June 7th, 2027
Founded by
Mondays can be pretty difficult, and the first Monday of the year may especially be so, maybe even being the toughest Monday of the whole year. Unless it happens to fall on New Year's Day, there's a good chance you may be heading back to work today after time off over the holidays. Reality may set back in and you may realize that you have another full year of Mondays ahead of you.
Dorothy Zjawin of Roselle Park, New Jersey, created this holiday, in part to give recognition to the first day of the week in general. Sure, the first Monday of the year may be tough, and sometimes people have to start new jobs on Monday as well, but people also get promoted and start vacations on the day. There are many holidays that take place on Mondays throughout the year, so why not have one right at the beginning of the year? This holiday is also celebrated on the first Monday of June, perhaps giving people the opportunity to be thankful that there are only a few Mondays left before summer begins.
How to Observe National "Thank God It's Monday" Day
Don't let the first Monday of the year get you down. Get out there and start the year off right! Don't drag your feet. Jump up and be thankful for another year and another chance to make a difference! Give it your all at your job or wherever you are today. If you are celebrating the holiday in June, get outside and enjoy the weather. It's starting to get nice out and summer is almost here, so Mondays should be pretty enjoyable for the next few months!