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Sex Differences in Health Awareness Day

The Society for Women's Health Research recognized Sex Differences in Health Awareness Day "to draw attention to biological health differences between women and men." Taking place on Tuesday of National Women's Health Week, Sex Differences in Health Awareness Day informs healthcare professionals and patients about differences in health between men and women that are often misunderstood or overlooked.

Many conditions or diseases don't affect the sexes equally, with their prevention, diagnosis, progression, and treatment diverging between men and women. There are different warning signs for men and women for heart attacks. Osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, and depression disproportionately affect women. Women deal with different types of cancer than men, such as cervical and ovarian cancer. The metabolization of some drugs is different between men and women.

Essentially every major organ system has differences, but little was known of them until the 1990s when research on women's health and the inclusion of women in clinical trials expanded. The differences are important to understand because they can impact prevention, diagnosis, progression, and treatment. The more that is known about the differences, the better healthcare women will receive. Sex Differences in Health Awareness Day helps to make sure these differences are known and optimal health is achieved.

How to Observe Sex Differences in Health Awareness Day

Celebrate the day by learning about biological differences between men and women that affect the prevention, diagnosis, progression, and treatment of conditions and diseases. Information about differences can be found on the website of the Society for Women's Health, the founders of Sex Differences in Health Awareness Day. With both patients and healthcare professionals expanding their knowledge of differences today, women are able to attain better health.

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