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National Day of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a process, not an act, and it teaches the forgiver about themselves as well as about those being forgiven. It can set them on a path to healing from mental or emotional pain, trauma, and grief. It relieves stress—from anger, resentment, and bitterness—and gives permission to heal and to stop living in the past, so the future can be looked to instead. It provides physical health benefits too, since less anxiety and stress transfers to lower blood pressure, a stronger heart, an improved immune system, and even possibly the reduction of physical pain. National Day of Forgiveness provides the opportunity to understand the benefits that forgiveness provides, and it encourages developing ways to incorporate forgiveness into one's life.

Melissa Reese, author of The Pursuit of Forgiveness 2.0 and the day's creator, says "The purpose of the day is to help people understand forgiveness from a pragmatic perspective and make it something so tangible that people excitedly and readily invite it into their lives." What is forgiveness? According to Reese, "Forgiveness is about letting go of the toxic, detrimental, and heavy emotions and thoughts to make room for LOVE." Her hope is "that the day, the concept, the intention, and most importantly the LOVE will reverberate and be felt and experienced far and wide, for at least the day. And just maybe, that day will provide enough inspiration to find its way into many other days in all our lives."

How to Observe National Day of Forgiveness

Melissa Reese, the day's founder, suggests the following ways to celebrate:

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