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National Give Something Away Day

National Give Something Away Day was created by Linda Eaton Hall-Fulcher "to encourage generosity in a number of forms." It's a day when everyone is to give something to someone else—to someone they love, to a family member or friend, and even to people they don't know. Possessions or financial gifts can be given, but actions can be done for others as well. Time, skills, and services can all be given away today. Words of empathy and encouragement can be given to those who are in need, and those who are sick can be visited. With everything that is done today, not only will the receiver benefit, but so will the giver and the community as a whole.

How to Observe National Give Something Away Day

Give whatever you are able to give to others today, whether it be a financial gift, possessions, or your time. Here are some ideas:

  • Donate to a charity.
  • Donate to a food pantry.
  • Give used clothes to someone you know in need or donate them to a charity organization.
  • Volunteer your time at an organization of your choosing.
  • Offer to mow someone's lawn.
  • Teach someone a skill you know. Do you know how to fish? How to sew? How to paint? How to plant flowers? Share what you know with others!

Make sure to use the hashtag #GiveSomethingAwayDay to let others know how you are celebrating!

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