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Buy a Doughnut Day

Doughnuts, or "donuts" as they also are known, are deep-fried yeast pastries. The first doughnuts in America, in fact, were little "nuts" of dough, and they were brought to New England by the Pilgrims, who had learned to make them while they were in Holland from 1607-1620. The first mention of doughnuts in print was in Washington Irving's 1809 book History of New York, which talks about Dutch settlers to New Amsterdam in the seventeenth century. By the middle of the nineteenth century, doughnuts with a punched out center became the norm, and doughnut corers were even being sold by mail order catalog!

By the twentieth century, many variations of doughnuts became popular, including iced, jelly or cream filled, and dusted with powdered sugar or cinnamon. Glazed is the most popular doughnut, and doughnut holes have been around since at least the 1960s. Doughnuts are often sold at doughnut shops, the most popular being Dunkin'. On Buy a Doughnut Day, they are bought wherever they can be found.

How to Observe Buy a Doughnut Day

Celebrate the day by buying a doughnut—or maybe a few. You could buy one at a grocery store, bakery, or doughnut shop. Perhaps you could get one at one of the best doughnut shops in your state.

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