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Forgiveness Day

Has someone wronged you over the past year? Did they do something so bad that it almost seemed unforgivable? Have you done something that you think you can't be forgiven for? Today is for forgiving others who have wronged you, and for being forgiven. The day is about true forgiveness—it's about an inward opening of the heart, not just an outward display. If everyone would pause and celebrate Forgiveness Day, the world would be a better place.

How to Observe Forgiveness Day

If there is someone you haven't spoken with for awhile because they wronged you, today is a good day to call, email, or visit them. Let them know that they are forgiven, and try to reestablish a connection. If you have wronged someone and are still on bad terms, this may be a good day to reach out again to say you are sorry and to ask for forgiveness. Sometimes it is necessary to forgive yourself as well, and Forgiveness Day can also be used for that. All of these types of forgiveness should be done throughout the whole year, not just today, but celebrating today's holiday is a good way to start anew.

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