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National Rationalization Day

People come up with all kinds of false and fake reasons and excuses—or rationalizations—why they did something wrong or why they didn't get their work done. They rationalize and justify their actions, or lack of actions, and sometimes even blame others. National Rationalization Day gives everyone the opportunity to rationalize as much as they'd like. It's a day when people look at all their past mistakes and try to rationalize them. They make excuses until everything from the past that hasn't gone right appears fixed! People also take breaks from their work, and then rationalize taking them too!

How to Observe National Rationalization Day

Spend the day rationalizing all your past mistakes. Take breaks from your work and rationalize them too. By the end of the day, you should be feeling pretty good about yourself: all your past mistakes will be erased and you'll be rested! Share your rationalizations online with the hashtag #NationalRationalizationDay. If you don't feel like sharing, that's okay, I'm sure you can come up with an excuse not to.

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