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Refired Not Retired Day

Are you retired or close to being retired? If so, today is the day to decide that this is the start of "Life, Part II" and that you will commit to making it an exciting adventure. It is a day to reinvent, rekindle, and refire your life. Those who refire their lives are looking ahead, not to the past. They decide to make the best possible use of the time they have left, seeing it as an opportunity. They realize that they are living in a time of freedom and choices, that there is no need to feel guilty about decisions that others may view as selfish, and that they shouldn't live with regrets.

It all started when Phyllis May retired earlier than she had anticipated, after being an educator for 34 years. At that time, her daughter was in college, her husband had left, and she had to put down her sick dog. Like others in a similar position, she asked herself, "What now?" She had lived in the same community for 25 years, but woke up one day realizing she didn't have to live there anymore. So, at the age of 55, she moved to Key West, Florida, where she knew no one.

The date was March 1, 1998, and though she didn't know it at the time, this would become the date of Refired Not Retired Day. It was here she reinvented, reignited, and refired her life. She worked some menial jobs—but they were fun and gave her much enjoyment. She also had a local television show for a year, wrote a few books, and traveled for a few years doing seminars. Beginning at the age of 55, she truly took hold of her life and made sure she would have a great second act. Refired Not Retired Day was created to help others do the same!

How to Observe Refired Not Retired Day

If you are retired or approaching retirement age, Refired Not Retired Day is for you! It is a day to reinvent yourself and to reignite—or refire—your zest for life. Maybe this means moving to a new city or taking up new hobbies. Maybe it means dabbling in the type of work you've always wanted. No matter what you end up doing, you should first reflect on what you want to do with the time you have left, and then make some type of shift.

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