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National Failures Day

National Failures Day is a day dedicated to examining past failures and using them to help you achieve success. Throughout history, there have been many examples of people who failed at first and later became successful. Just because you have failed once or multiple times does not mean you are ultimately a failure. The fight for success goes on and as long as you keep putting in the effort, you are never a failure.

How to Observe National Failures Day

National Failures Day can be celebrated by reflecting on your mistakes, learning from them, and setting yourself on a new path to success. The day can be celebrated by reading about other people who failed but later found success. Many times people also have thought they were failures, but in fact, they had done something very successful. Some examples of this are the times people mistakenly invented something that turned out to be very beneficial. Admitting Failure is a site where you can read stories of everyday people who failed at something, but later learned from their mistakes to help them move forward. If you are brave you can also submit your own stories to the site!

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