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National "Just Do It" Day

For those who have been on the fence about doing something, whether if it be taking a chance at a new job or on a new relationship, or on starting a new exercise routine or buying a new car, today is a day to just do it! It's a day when people throw caution to the wind, take chances, and try something new.

How to Observe National "Just Do It" Day

There is no time left for excuses, just do it! Pick a thing that you've been meaning to do but have been hesitant about and do it! Ask out that guy or girl, quit your job or start a new one, begin that project you've been thinking about forever, learn a new instrument, or get on an airplane for the first time. Just as long as you pick at least one thing to do that you've been holding back on, you will have succeeded in celebrating the day. You only live once, and National "Just Do It" Day only comes around once a year! Now enough with reading this, get out there and just do it!

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