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Poet in a Cupcake Day

Poet in a Cupcake Day takes place on Friday of Take Your Poet to School Week, which is held during the first full week of April. On this day, cupcakes are decorated in such a way as to resemble or to be associated with a favorite poet or poets. Cut-outs of poets are commonly used to decorate cupcakes, often being colored and then put on popsicle sticks and then in cupcakes. Cupcakes themselves are commonly decorated with themes related to a poet or poets. Sometimes paper cupcakes are used instead of real cupcakes. Before decorating is done, poets are often learned about and their poetry is often read.

How to Observe Poet in a Cupcake Day

One way to start your celebration today is by learning about your favorite poet and reading some of their poems. This may give you some ideas on how to decorate a cupcake or cupcakes, and you could then make some. If you make a large batch, you could decorate them with a handful of your favorite poets. When decorating, you should do so in a way that shares what you know or what you have learned about the poets you chose. You could decorate cut-outs of poets to paste on popsicle sticks to put in your cupcakes, or you could decorate your cupcakes in a way that represents the poets, or both. Some poet cut-outs that could be used today can be found on the Tweetspeak Poetry website. There are cut-outs on their pages for Take Your Poet to School Week and Take Your Poet to Work Day. It isn't necessary to decorate a real cupcake to participate in the day—paper cupcakes can be used as well. Printable cupcakes can be found on the Tweetspeak Poetry site, and ideas for poet-themed cupcakes can be found at the same spot. After decorating your cupcakes, you could share them on social media. Include the hashtag #poetcupcakeday and tag the Tweetspeak Poetry Twitter and Instagram pages.

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