Virtual Worlds Day
annually on August 20th (since 2008)
Founded by
The Association of Virtual Worlds on March 11th, 2008
In 2008, the Association of Virtual Worlds created Virtual Worlds Day "in recognition of the rapid emergence of virtual worlds." Their Executive Director, Dave Elchonness, said of the day: "People everywhere work and play inside of virtual worlds and the number of users is growing dramatically. Whether you enjoy on-line games or simulating real life events for training or connecting with colleagues around the globe inside a virtual workspace, this day is for you."
Virtual worlds, also called virtual spaces, are computer-simulated representations of a world and have physical and spatial characteristics. Users interact with each other using representations of themselves called avatars. Players may communicate using text or voice. Virtual worlds have their roots in online text adventure games, which set the groundwork for online text worlds like LambdaMOO. The first massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) came in the mid-1980s when text and graphics came together. (Although, the term "MMORPGs" didn't come until the 1990s). Habitat is considered the first MMORPG, since it was the first game that had the ability to have at least 16 players.
Games were made that could exist 24-hours a day (the world existed after a user left it), where users could exist in a single world, and where 3D graphics were used. An early game of this type was Meridian 59, released in 1996. It was followed by Ultima Online in 1997, which gained popularity and became the first big-time MMORPG. Lineage was the first MMORPG that had over a million users. Then, records were shattered by World of Warcraft, which has more users than any MMORPG preceding it.
Massively multiplayer online role-playing games are the most popular type of massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs). Massively multiplayer online games are divided into several genres, the most prevalent being the fantasy genre, which encompasses games like World of Warcraft, Ultima Online, and EverQuest. Games like The Sims Online and Second Life are part of the life simulation genre. There also are historical games, such as WWII Online. There are a number of platforms where virtual worlds reside: there is Second Life and IMVU for Windows, and PlayStation Home for PlayStation 3. Other popular games that have elements of virtual worlds are Myst, Diablo, and Counter-Strike. Virtual worlds not only exist within games but are used in the workplace and educational settings. Today virtual worlds are acknowledged and celebrated with Virtual Worlds Day!
How to Observe Virtual Worlds Day
Spend the day collaborating virtually with coworkers or classmates, or spend it playing virtual games. Some of the most significant virtual games you could try include:
- Meridian 59
- Ultima Online
- Lineage II
- World of Warcraft
- EverQuest
- The Sims
- Second Life
- WWII Online
- Myst