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Less Than Perfect Day

Less Than Perfect Day is a day to accept that it's okay to not be perfect. Some people are perfectionists that are very hard on themselves if they make a mistake, and some people are okay with their faults. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, today is a day to remember that we all make mistakes and that we should try hard at everything we do, but not so hard as to stress ourselves out.

How to Observe Less Than Perfect Day

Spend the day trying to keep yourself from stressing out about things you aren't perfect at. It might be a day to challenge yourself to try new and difficult things, because at the same time you will be focusing on not caring if you can't do them with perfection. Try to juggle! Ride a unicycle! Sing a song at the top of your lungs with your car windows down! Try to run for a long distance! If you aren't good at any of them it doesn't matter. It's Less Than Perfect Day.

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